The COVID pandemic has made every business relook its digital strategy. Several businesses have taken a leap toward the future and have transformed their way of doing business. Analysts suggest this trend of digitization is here to stay even after the pandemic passes. Here we look at how wholesalers and retailers can future proof their businesses and prepare for unseen challenges.
Choose a Suitable Tech Partner
The first step is to get your business online, if it isn’t already so. And getting online has become easy nowadays. There is a plethora of options. It is not necessary to do all of it in house. You can choose a technology partner that will not only get your business online but also help you integrate the latest technology into your business. In a way, your tech partner should be someone who will adapt and grow with your business needs.
Mirror the Real World into Digital World
Take every aspect of your business and look at achieving it digitally. Go beyond posting an image of the product. Imagine what comes next and simulate those experiences online. Use tools like Interactive Hotspots that can display information and price of the product and 3D models to simulate holding a product in your hand.
Engage with Faraway Customers
Don’t let physical distances stop you from engaging with customers. Use ShopConnect video conferencing tools that can access your inventory, discuss samples and showcase products on video calls with customers from different states and countries.
Don’t depend on just one stream of revenue. Innovate and increase your sources of revenue. A digital presence allows you to expand to different markets and geographies. Follow up with a physical presence in different geographies only when you receive overwhelming response.
Listen to the Customer
Don’t lose focus on the main stakeholder for your business – the customer. Make sure you focus on making the lives of customers easy and observe changes in their behavior. Again, digital technologies come to your rescue here. You can use analytical software and reports that alert you to waning interests. Accordingly, you can customize your products, styles, experiences, and strategy.
It is crucial for businesses today to be available online. People want to find you online even after knowing about the physical store. Your presence...